

Do not ban flights from China because of corona-virus, says Hun Sen, PM

Do not ban flights from China because of corona-virus
Prime Minster Hun Sen speaks to reporters during a press conference at Peace Palace, corona-virus

Prime Minister Hun Sen said today that the Kingdom will not ban flights from China despite the Novel Corona-virus because it could affect tourism industry.

Speaking to reporters during a press conference at the Peace Palace to address the public’s concerns over Novel Corona-virus, Mr Hun Sen said critics should not try to scare people about the virus.

“Please continue our cooperation with China. Do not ban flights from China. Do not ban China’s sea transportation, and do not ban Chinese tourists,” he said. “Do not evacuate Cambodian diplomats from China.”

“Please don’t frighten Chinese people,” Mr Hun Sen said. “We are working to help them. We help treat Chinese citizens who are staying in Cambodia.”

On Monday, the Health Ministry announced that the first case of Novel Corona-virus was detected on a 60-year-old Chinese national Jia Jianhua, who is now being quarantined at the Preah Sihanouk Provincial Referral Hospital.

Cambodia Airports confirmed recently that all flights between the country’s three international airports from and to Wuhan have been suspended.
Do not ban flights from China because of corona-virus, says Hun Sen, PM Do not ban flights from China because of corona-virus, says Hun Sen, PM Reviewed by Editor PH on 3:11 PM Rating: 5


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